It's a 32-bit executable. I suspect the required file is the /lib/ mentioned by "file" which is from the libc6:armhf packageNo hint as to what the required file might be.... !
I thought I remembered something of the sort from other forum threads.
I am not a Gamer, I don't have any interest in pursuing this(*).
Just seems a simple courtesy to spell out prerequisites when asking for proxy test assistance.
[ * ] Apart from the nostalgic fact that LAC looks superficially like the Flight Sim that Silicon Graphics used to bundle as demo software with their MIPS-based Indigo workstations back in the early 90's. As I recall those boxes were priced in the 10's of £1,000 ukp. And now I can put an RPi[5] in my pocket for under £100 ukp. Crazy....
Statistics: Posted by B.Goode — Fri Jan 26, 2024 4:18 pm