I was trying to run Circuit python without an OS(bare metal) for the first time on the raspberry pi 4b. I followed all the instructions in the Adafruit website but my raspberry pi does not register as drive on my MacBook Air M1, even though I tried reflashing circuit python to the micro sd card.
Thank you In advance
Thank you for posting the question.
I had no idea such a thing was possible. (Or would be if it worked.)
I have no immediate need for it, but I used to play with PiMoRoNi's 'Pirate Python' on an RPiZero when that was still supported as a very hands-on Python + IoT development environment.
Something like your problem is already discussed in the Adafruit discussion about the broadcom port of Circuit Python, so perhaps you would get informed feedback by posting there.
Ref: AdaFruit 'product' page - https://circuitpython.org/board/raspberrypi_pi4b/
Ref: Issues - https://github.com/adafruit/circuitpyth ... s/broadcomNOTE: This build is alpha quality and is for experimental use. It is missing features and has known issues.
Broadcom Port: CIRCUITPY Drive not available #8759
Statistics: Posted by B.Goode — Wed Jun 12, 2024 7:00 am