I didn't see any mention of GLES preview in Picamera2 library documentation. can you provide more information?You can't use the DRM preview whilst running the desktop because X (or whatever) takes full control of it and does not allow access. You can only use it when nothing else is, which means booting to the command line. However, while using the desktop you have the GLES preview window which you can use instead. Is that an option for you?
the general problem that I encountered is that I can't run the GUI preview while also trying to show matplotlib plots. At the end, I hope to have an app that uses a tkinter GUI while having the option of a preview window either as part of the GUI or outside of it.
I have done this in the past with the HQ camera and the PiCamera library and it's non-GUI preview window (not sure how to call it, start_preview() and stop_preview() methods). can I do the same with the global shutter camera and the Picamera2 library?
Statistics: Posted by nirb — Wed Jun 12, 2024 7:52 am