It's strange, an old dinosaur like me thinks there are plenty of options to get the thing done, but perhaps those that are familiar with the Arduino way of doing things do not see things as I do.
A commonly used Arduino I2C LCD library I studied while writing my PIC16 code does not use any interrupts, and other interrupts have no effect on the I2C peripheral during its tx. The LCD timings are flexible too, and interrupts can always be suspended to do call a write to LCD function, after which it's enabled and the interrupt triggers.
Any counting of logic edges can use the input capture peripheral, which is usually present in some form on AVRs and PICs, and that would eliminate all time critical stuff, relegating pulse counting to just reading pulse counts every so often. I wonder what OP is really doing with the counting thing.
I'll leave this thread in the good hands of the other commentators.
A commonly used Arduino I2C LCD library I studied while writing my PIC16 code does not use any interrupts, and other interrupts have no effect on the I2C peripheral during its tx. The LCD timings are flexible too, and interrupts can always be suspended to do call a write to LCD function, after which it's enabled and the interrupt triggers.
Any counting of logic edges can use the input capture peripheral, which is usually present in some form on AVRs and PICs, and that would eliminate all time critical stuff, relegating pulse counting to just reading pulse counts every so often. I wonder what OP is really doing with the counting thing.
I'll leave this thread in the good hands of the other commentators.
Statistics: Posted by katak255 — Sat Aug 17, 2024 11:56 pm