I have implemented a BSTI interface with RP2350 PIO. The code is below.
What is BSTI?
It is similar to MDIO, with the exception, that we have separated MDOUT and MDIN signals (not using a bidirectional MDIO).
What I have realized?
I use IRQ signals for raising and falling edge in a clock generator "clk". I want to be in sync with clock edges. The clock is generated by a free running "clk" SM and I want to be in sync when sending or reading data with the clock generator. The clock should remain running all the time.
It works only reliably with IRQs up to 1/4 of the SYS CLK. Anything faster gives me a wrong waveform. (I will post a separate thread about "Max. IRQ speed".)
So far, it works as expected.
Remark: there is a DIR signal, to see clearly on scope when the READ phase starts and ends (or to use for level shifters, mux, etc.).
And: I need still the "trick" to configure the PIO SM input signal first. Otherwise, the PIO does not get the input signal for "in_(pins, 1)".
Maybe also a need to have always a pull-up or pull-down enabled for the input signal.
Be careful with a pull-down on input: there is an Errata 92: an input pin can latch up and hang forever.
So far, BSTI as MDIO with separated MDIN and MDOUT works.
Here the code:
BTW: meanwhile, I like the PIO on PICO (RP2040, RP2350): pretty cool. Just a bit tricky to implement PIO SMs and to "find the bugs'" and work arounds.
Have fun with it (as an example which works for me).
What is BSTI?
It is similar to MDIO, with the exception, that we have separated MDOUT and MDIN signals (not using a bidirectional MDIO).
What I have realized?
I use IRQ signals for raising and falling edge in a clock generator "clk". I want to be in sync with clock edges. The clock is generated by a free running "clk" SM and I want to be in sync when sending or reading data with the clock generator. The clock should remain running all the time.
It works only reliably with IRQs up to 1/4 of the SYS CLK. Anything faster gives me a wrong waveform. (I will post a separate thread about "Max. IRQ speed".)
So far, it works as expected.
Remark: there is a DIR signal, to see clearly on scope when the READ phase starts and ends (or to use for level shifters, mux, etc.).
And: I need still the "trick" to configure the PIO SM input signal first. Otherwise, the PIO does not get the input signal for "in_(pins, 1)".
Maybe also a need to have always a pull-up or pull-down enabled for the input signal.
Be careful with a pull-down on input: there is an Errata 92: an input pin can latch up and hang forever.
So far, BSTI as MDIO with separated MDIN and MDOUT works.
Here the code:
import rp2from machine import Pin#BSTI interface with RP2350:#===========================#sending (write): change with falling edge = irq(block, 4): there seems to be a delay internally - trim code#sampling (read): sample with falling edge#we use a DIR signal for debug (or level shifters): after 1.5 cycles Turn Around - change direction on read#GPIO pins:#GPIO2: MCLK - output signal#GPIO3: MDOUT - output signal#GPIO4: DIR - output signal (for debug and level shifter, see where the read phase is)#GPIO5: MDIN - input signal: ATT: it needs a config to be an input#clock generator - free running clock, INTs for rising (IRQ 4) and falling edge (IRQ 5)#we have to tweak code so that out level changing happens on falling edge, too fast does not work anymore#IRQ() seems to have an internal latency, not running with full speed! Assume to get just 1/4 of SYSCLK properly working with IRQs@rp2.asm_pio(sideset_init=rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW)def clk(): #this results in 25MHz clock #trim this so that other SM changes bits on falling edge when sending #it divides freq by 6 wrap_target() irq(4)[0].side(1)#1 irq(clear, 4)[0] #2 nop()[1].side(0)#3: needed just to create a 50% duty cycle, without it looks wrong irq(5)[0] #4 irq(clear, 5)[0] #5 nop()[1] .side(1)#6: just for the duty cycle as approx. 50% wrap() #preamble generator: at least 32bit with MCLK and MDOUT high@rp2.asm_pio(set_init=rp2.PIO.OUT_HIGH)def pre(): wrap_target() pull()#7: just wait for trigger (any value) set(x, 31)#8: 32bit preamble set(pins, 1)#8: label("preloop") irq(block, 4)#10: wait for clock edge jmp(x_dec, "preloop")#11: push(x)#12: just trigger main() (any value) to keep going wrap() #generate a 32bit write transaction: 2bit (START) 2bit (CMD) 10bit (ADDR) 2bit (TA) 16bit (DATA write)@rp2.asm_pio(out_shiftdir=0, pull_thresh=32, out_init=rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW, set_init=rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW, sideset_init=rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW)def dataWrite(): wrap_target() pull()#13: get 32bit to send out, START (2bit), CMD (2bit), PHY+ADDR (10bit), # with TA (2bit) plus 16bit data to write set(x, 31)#14: 32bit label("loop") irq(block, 4)#15: wait for clock edge out(pins, 1).side(1)#16: shift out now one bit, keep DIR high jmp(x_dec, "loop")#17: keep going until all 32bits out irq(block, 4)#18: last bit cycle set(pins, 1)#19: keep MDOUT high afterwards wrap() #generate a 16bit read transaction: 2bit (START) 2bit (CMD) 10bit (ADDR), 2bit (TA), 16bit (DATA read) - read with rising edge!@rp2.asm_pio(out_shiftdir=0, pull_thresh=14, push_thresh=16, out_init=rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW, set_init=rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW, sideset_init=rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW)def dataRead(): wrap_target() pull()#20: wait for CMD prefix to write set(x, 14)#21: START (2bit), CMD (2bit), PHY+ADDR (8bit), TA (2bit, 1.5 used) label("loop") irq(block, 4)#22: wait for clock egdge out(pins, 1)#23: shift one bit out jmp(x_dec, "loop")#24: keep going set(x, 15)#25: now 16bit data to read - sampling with falling edge irq(block, 5)#26: wait a half cycle, other edge, for TA set(pins, 1).side(0)#27: set DIR signal to low (now we read) label("rx") irq(block, 4)#28: wait for clock edge (falling, to sample) in_(pins, 1)#29: get 1 read bit jmp(x_dec, "rx")#30: keep going push()#31: send to main program (the 16bit read) nop().side(1)#32: set DIR signal high wrap()# ! we are out of instuctions, all used ! FREQ = 10000000#max: 18750000MHz, best is <= 10000000, faster gets more wrong#this is needed to do, otherwise "in(pins,1)" does not work!pin_5 = Pin(5, mode=Pin.IN, pull=Pin.PULL_UP)#CLK generator: SM0sm0 = rp2.StateMachine(0, clk, freq=FREQ * 8, sideset_base=Pin(2)) #times 8 is because of code in clk SM (8 cycles)sm0.active(1)#write cycle: SM1sm1 = rp2.StateMachine(1, dataWrite, out_base=Pin(3), set_base=Pin(3), sideset_base=Pin(4))sm1.active(1) #read cycle: SM2sm2 = rp2.StateMachine(2, dataRead, out_base=Pin(3), in_base=Pin(5), set_base=Pin(3), sideset_base=Pin(4))sm2.active(1)#prefix 32bit high: SM3 - we use all four SMssm3 = rp2.StateMachine(3, pre, set_base=Pin(3))sm3.active(1) prevR = 0 #just to print when changed#for testing with scope:while True: #Read: sm3.put(0) #pre: any value is fine to trigger sm3.get() #wait for 32bit clock preamble cycles done sm2.put(0x5A440000) #generate 14bits of CMD, 2bit TA (1.5bits) and read 16bit as input - CMD prefix r = sm2.get() #get the read result from the READ if prevR != r: prevR = r #print just if changed (otherwise slows down too much for scope and IDE) print(hex(r)) #Write: sm3.put(0) #pre: any value is fine to trigger sm3.get() #wait for 32bit clock preamble cycles done sm1.put(0x6A46C082) #generate a write, 2bit (START) + 2bit (CMD) + 10bit (ADDR) + 2bit (TA) + 16bit (DATA write)#Remark:#the 32bit word we write as CMD prefix (for READ and WRITE) has to be encoded properly:#bits:# 31, 30 : the START bits: clause 22: b01# 29, 28 : the CMD bits: here b10 for WRITE, b01 for READ (might be wrong, or if clause 45 - modify!)# 27..23 : PHY address# 22..18 : REG address (clause 22)# 17, 16 : Turn Around bits (2bits on write, 1.5bits on read)# 15.. 0 : the 16bit value to write, 16bit value to read
Have fun with it (as an example which works for me).
Statistics: Posted by tjaekel — Thu Aug 29, 2024 1:41 am