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MicroPython • BSTI PIO interface - for you

I have implemented a BSTI interface with RP2350 PIO. The code is below.

What is BSTI?
It is similar to MDIO, with the exception, that we have separated MDOUT and MDIN signals (not using a bidirectional MDIO).

What I have realized?
I use IRQ signals for raising and falling edge in a clock generator "clk". I want to be in sync with clock edges. The clock is generated by a free running "clk" SM and I want to be in sync when sending or reading data with the clock generator. The clock should remain running all the time.

It works only reliably with IRQs up to 1/4 of the SYS CLK. Anything faster gives me a wrong waveform. (I will post a separate thread about "Max. IRQ speed".)

So far, it works as expected.
Remark: there is a DIR signal, to see clearly on scope when the READ phase starts and ends (or to use for level shifters, mux, etc.).
And: I need still the "trick" to configure the PIO SM input signal first. Otherwise, the PIO does not get the input signal for "in_(pins, 1)".
Maybe also a need to have always a pull-up or pull-down enabled for the input signal.
Be careful with a pull-down on input: there is an Errata 92: an input pin can latch up and hang forever.

So far, BSTI as MDIO with separated MDIN and MDOUT works.
Here the code:


import rp2from machine import Pin#BSTI interface with RP2350:#===========================#sending (write): change with falling edge = irq(block, 4): there seems to be a delay internally - trim code#sampling (read): sample with falling edge#we use a DIR signal for debug (or level shifters): after 1.5 cycles Turn Around - change direction on read#GPIO pins:#GPIO2: MCLK  - output signal#GPIO3: MDOUT - output signal#GPIO4: DIR   - output signal (for debug and level shifter, see where the read phase is)#GPIO5: MDIN  - input signal: ATT: it needs a config to be an input#clock generator - free running clock, INTs for rising (IRQ 4) and falling edge (IRQ 5)#we have to tweak code so that out level changing happens on falling edge, too fast does not work anymore#IRQ() seems to have an internal latency, not running with full speed! Assume to get just 1/4 of SYSCLK properly working with IRQs@rp2.asm_pio(sideset_init=rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW)def clk():    #this results in 25MHz clock    #trim this so that other SM changes bits on falling edge when sending    #it divides freq by 6    wrap_target()    irq(4)[0].side(1)#1    irq(clear, 4)[0]        #2    nop()[1].side(0)#3: needed just to create a 50% duty cycle, without it looks wrong    irq(5)[0]        #4    irq(clear, 5)[0]        #5    nop()[1]     .side(1)#6: just for the duty cycle as approx. 50%    wrap()    #preamble generator: at least 32bit with MCLK and MDOUT high@rp2.asm_pio(set_init=rp2.PIO.OUT_HIGH)def pre():    wrap_target()    pull()#7: just wait for trigger (any value)    set(x, 31)#8: 32bit preamble    set(pins, 1)#8:    label("preloop")    irq(block, 4)#10: wait for clock edge    jmp(x_dec, "preloop")#11:    push(x)#12: just trigger main() (any value) to keep going    wrap()    #generate a 32bit write transaction: 2bit (START) 2bit (CMD) 10bit (ADDR) 2bit (TA) 16bit (DATA write)@rp2.asm_pio(out_shiftdir=0, pull_thresh=32, out_init=rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW, set_init=rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW, sideset_init=rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW)def dataWrite():    wrap_target()    pull()#13: get 32bit to send out, START (2bit), CMD (2bit), PHY+ADDR (10bit),                                                                        #    with TA (2bit) plus 16bit data to write    set(x, 31)#14: 32bit    label("loop")    irq(block, 4)#15: wait for clock edge    out(pins, 1).side(1)#16: shift out now one bit, keep DIR high    jmp(x_dec, "loop")#17: keep going until all 32bits out    irq(block, 4)#18: last bit cycle    set(pins, 1)#19: keep MDOUT high afterwards    wrap()    #generate a 16bit read transaction: 2bit (START) 2bit (CMD) 10bit (ADDR), 2bit (TA), 16bit (DATA read) - read with rising edge!@rp2.asm_pio(out_shiftdir=0, pull_thresh=14, push_thresh=16, out_init=rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW, set_init=rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW, sideset_init=rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW)def dataRead():    wrap_target()    pull()#20: wait for CMD prefix to write    set(x, 14)#21: START (2bit), CMD (2bit), PHY+ADDR (8bit), TA (2bit, 1.5 used)    label("loop")    irq(block, 4)#22: wait for clock egdge    out(pins, 1)#23: shift one bit out    jmp(x_dec, "loop")#24: keep going        set(x, 15)#25: now 16bit data to read - sampling with falling edge    irq(block, 5)#26: wait a half cycle, other edge, for TA    set(pins, 1).side(0)#27: set DIR signal to low (now we read)        label("rx")    irq(block, 4)#28: wait for clock edge (falling, to sample)    in_(pins, 1)#29: get 1 read bit    jmp(x_dec, "rx")#30: keep going        push()#31: send to main program (the 16bit read)    nop().side(1)#32: set DIR signal high    wrap()# ! we are out of instuctions, all used !    FREQ = 10000000#max: 18750000MHz, best is <= 10000000, faster gets more wrong#this is needed to do, otherwise "in(pins,1)" does not work!pin_5 = Pin(5, mode=Pin.IN, pull=Pin.PULL_UP)#CLK generator: SM0sm0 = rp2.StateMachine(0, clk, freq=FREQ * 8, sideset_base=Pin(2)) #times 8 is because of code in clk SM (8 cycles)sm0.active(1)#write cycle: SM1sm1 = rp2.StateMachine(1, dataWrite, out_base=Pin(3), set_base=Pin(3), sideset_base=Pin(4))sm1.active(1) #read cycle: SM2sm2 = rp2.StateMachine(2, dataRead, out_base=Pin(3), in_base=Pin(5), set_base=Pin(3), sideset_base=Pin(4))sm2.active(1)#prefix 32bit high: SM3 - we use all four SMssm3 = rp2.StateMachine(3, pre, set_base=Pin(3))sm3.active(1)        prevR = 0    #just to print when changed#for testing with scope:while True:    #Read:    sm3.put(0)    #pre: any value is fine to trigger    sm3.get()    #wait for 32bit clock preamble cycles done    sm2.put(0x5A440000)    #generate 14bits of CMD, 2bit TA (1.5bits) and read 16bit as input - CMD prefix    r = sm2.get()    #get the read result from the READ    if prevR != r:        prevR = r    #print just if changed (otherwise slows down too much for scope and IDE)        print(hex(r))    #Write:    sm3.put(0)    #pre: any value is fine to trigger    sm3.get()    #wait for 32bit clock preamble cycles done    sm1.put(0x6A46C082)    #generate a write, 2bit (START) + 2bit (CMD) + 10bit (ADDR) + 2bit (TA) + 16bit (DATA write)#Remark:#the 32bit word we write as CMD prefix (for READ and WRITE) has to be encoded properly:#bits:# 31, 30 : the START bits: clause 22: b01# 29, 28 : the CMD bits: here b10 for WRITE, b01 for READ (might be wrong, or if clause 45 - modify!)# 27..23 : PHY address# 22..18 : REG address (clause 22)# 17, 16 : Turn Around bits (2bits on write, 1.5bits on read)# 15.. 0 : the 16bit value to write, 16bit value to read
BTW: meanwhile, I like the PIO on PICO (RP2040, RP2350): pretty cool. Just a bit tricky to implement PIO SMs and to "find the bugs'" and work arounds.

Have fun with it (as an example which works for me).

Statistics: Posted by tjaekel — Thu Aug 29, 2024 1:41 am

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