Someone did a mouse HID with absolute mouse positioning with an Arduino / AVR:
In that project, the X and Y is no longer declared as relative positions in the descriptor, see HID_REPORT_DESCRIPTOR in AbsMouse.cpp. I dunno about compatibility though...
For common mouse, if there are no HID report sent, it means that X and Y hasn't changed. The USB mouse still has to send a keep alive every 1 ms. It' s just there is no state change to report, so just a keepalive is sent and arguably the keepalive means deltaX=0 and deltaY=0. So one can presumably use some flags with 1 ms timer ticks to determine whether a mouse is at rest.
See this very informative discussion on what is being transmitted:
And here is the HID 1.11 PDF in case anyone wants to read it: ... on-hid-111
In that project, the X and Y is no longer declared as relative positions in the descriptor, see HID_REPORT_DESCRIPTOR in AbsMouse.cpp. I dunno about compatibility though...
For common mouse, if there are no HID report sent, it means that X and Y hasn't changed. The USB mouse still has to send a keep alive every 1 ms. It' s just there is no state change to report, so just a keepalive is sent and arguably the keepalive means deltaX=0 and deltaY=0. So one can presumably use some flags with 1 ms timer ticks to determine whether a mouse is at rest.
See this very informative discussion on what is being transmitted:
And here is the HID 1.11 PDF in case anyone wants to read it: ... on-hid-111
Statistics: Posted by katak255 — Wed Sep 04, 2024 3:09 am