Here's the story. I've used a raspberry pi 3 for years, and its only purpose was to run Plex Media Server on my internal network. I use a Buffalo NAS for the file storage and mount it via fstab.
I upgraded my Buffalo NAS about a year ago, and this week I upgraded the Raspberry pi 3 to a 5. Did the normal setup, nothing fancy.
It ran fine for about 3 or 4 days, and now all of a sudden my network crashes (wifi users) if it's on for any length of time. I turn off the pi, reboot the router and I'm back in business.
Any suggestions on what to start looking for? First issue I've run into with it in years.
Thanks everyone!
I upgraded my Buffalo NAS about a year ago, and this week I upgraded the Raspberry pi 3 to a 5. Did the normal setup, nothing fancy.
It ran fine for about 3 or 4 days, and now all of a sudden my network crashes (wifi users) if it's on for any length of time. I turn off the pi, reboot the router and I'm back in business.
Any suggestions on what to start looking for? First issue I've run into with it in years.
Thanks everyone!
Statistics: Posted by mycholula — Wed Oct 02, 2024 1:00 am