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General • RP2350: DualQSPI via PIO (delay compensation) - FOR YOU

Here is my "DualQSPI" implementation with RP2350 PIO (the PIO is such a great feature - I love it!).
"DualQSPI" means:
  • QSPI Tx part and QSPI Rx part are separated (like a QSPI master for Write and a QSPI slave for Read - using an external QCLKin)
  • QSPI Rx uses an external QCLKin signal - it is a feedback (external wire) from the QSPI Master clock QSCK generated, it is delayed (a "round trip delay", do the "feedback" at the very far external end)
  • via using a "delayed" Rx sampling clock QCLKin - we can compensate the external "round trip delay" (e.g. a long cable, delays via level shifters in the path, an external chip responding a bit later (QD0...QD3 as input delayed in relation to internal sampling QCLK)
This is my delicate exercise with implementing such one via using the PIO instructions (in MicroPython). I have also realized and learnt some tricks. I want to share with you my experiences and the result. (ATT: just tested with a scope, not with a real external chip).
I "hope" this works up to 25 MHz QSPI clock (QCLK), it does on scope.

How does it work?:
  • it uses 4 state machines, with a total number of instructions as 31 (one is left)
  • the QSPI Write is straight forward (nothing really special)
  • but the QSPI Read is "special"!
  • it waits for the falling edge on an QCLKin signal (external) - which is a feedback from the generated clock
  • there is a state machine which generates the QCLK signal just for the Read transaction - it is waiting to be released and to start generating the clock when doing a 32bit word read part
  • it "assumes", that all input signals (QD0...QD3) are delayed in the same way as the input sampling clock QCLKin - therefore "DualSPI" (a QSPI slave for reading the response from external chip) - "compensates the round trip delay"
In order to save the number of instructions needed, I have used these "tricks":
  • use autopush and autopull where it is possible - but not always, even I might think it "should work": but it has side effects and the entire code fails (I am not able to understand the side effect from one state machine to another)
  • assume, when doing the Rx sampling (via IN_()) - the clock (generated by a separate state machine) went high meanwhile - so that I just wait for the falling edge of QCLKin, never needed to wait also for the raising edge (which fails when I try to add - potentially I am too slow with this additional instruction - anyway, the QCLKin should be high again anyway during all this Rx sampling)
  • there is a trigger between different state machines via using IRQ; in the past I did "irq(4)" plus "irq(clear, 4") just to generate an IRQ pulse so that the waiting state machine can use "irq(block, 4)"
  • but via "wait(1, irq, 4)" - it waits for IRQ 4 trigger AND clears it as well - no need to clear it with one additional instruction - great (it saves one instruction!)
Often, I had to fight for just one more instruction possible (max. is 32 for one PIO). And to understand all the instructions and configurations makes it often possible to save instructions (and to make it fit for max. 32 instructions).

And: I tried to split some code into another PIO (e.g. the QSPI Read part): but it does not work! All I/O signals must be "owned" inside one and the same PIO: if you try to use the same I/O signals in a different PIO - it overwrites all the other I/O configs of the first one (sure: PIO0 vs. PIO1 is a different ALT config).

I tried to use also DMAs to write to the state machine FIFOs, also "FIFO joining" is used (even I do not see a real difference how the transactions bursts are generated, not really an extended faster burst now). The DMA Put works (writing to FIFOs) - but the DMA Get (read from FIFO, for the QSPI Read state machine) does not work. No idea why not (the code I have found in Internet).

All looks fine on scope, except what I do not understand:
On a QSPI Read is a QDIR signal: it is used to indicate the direction of QD0...QD3 (that I am reading now, as inputs). BTW: this QDIR is for debugging (to see when all the outputs change to inputs) but in my case: I use an FPGA, as level shifter. And this QDIR signal controls inside the FPGA the direction of the FPGA pins. Or you use the QDIR signal in directional level shifters.
  • Why is the QDIR signal de-asserted a bit late? (there is a remarkable gap after the last Read clock cycle) - but no harms
  • the nCS signal - which is handled in SW (not part of PIO state machine) looks reasonable fast for a QSPI Write transaction, but for a QSPI Read - there is a very large gap until it is de-asserted. No idea why (I blame the behavior of "autopush" which seems to stall for a long duration). nCS after a QSPI Read gets very late inactive. No idea why so late.
Not sure about this "Clock Synchronizer":
Datasheet (page 926) says: "There is a 2-flipflop synchronizer on each GPIO input, which protects PIO logic from metastabilities."
My impression is:
  • if PIO uses a regular input, e.g. for "IN_()" - it seems to be in place (default is enabled - all inputs delayed by two clock cycles)
  • but what if I wait directly for a GPIO input pin? For instance: "wait(0, gpio, 15)" - is this signal also delayed by the Clock Synchronizer? (is it considered as an input pin, even the PIO code has no clue which GPIO I am using?)
  • it looks to me: it is not: this falling edge seems to come internally a bit earlier as the regular input signals (delayed by two clock cycles!)
  • And what is the clock for the Clock Synchronizer?"
    Is it the system clock (e.g. 150 MHz) or is it the PIO clock (via the clock divider settings for the PIO state machine)?
    Not sure, "how long two clock cycles by the Clock Synchronizer" are in PIO! (SYSCLK or PIO clock?)
  • This is the only "tricky part" where the PIO code might need tweaks for a certain QSPI QCLK speed: I had to wait a bit longer after the falling edge of QCLKin seen - because the real QD0...QD3 signals as inputs seem to be delayed way more.
  • I tried to disable the "Clock Synchronizer" - but no effects (no changes on timing and functionality).
Here the entire "DualQSPI" PIO code (in MicroPython):


import rp2from machine import Pinimport timeimport array#+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++# QSPI implementation with PIO:# QSPI mode: 0# Read uses a feedback clock QCLKin, sampling at falling edge# pins:# GPIO    7: nCS - SW control# GPIO    8: nCS2 - SW control# GPIO    9: QDIR signal (for external level shifter with DIR signal)# GPIO   10: SCLK# GPIO   11: DIO0# GPIO   12: DIO1# GPIO   13: DIO2# GPIO   14: DIO3# GPIO   15: QCLKin - feedback clock# Remark:# the order of the 32bit words written or read are in the wrong "endian":# we have to flip the bytes before sending or after reading!#+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++#-------------------------------------------------# rp_util.py:## set set of small functions supporting the use of the PIO# we use this in order to free instructions on PIO:# example: instead to wait for PIO state machine has completed, e.g. via "push()"# and "sm.get()" - we check the FIFO level (or PIO SM status), which saves PIO instructions#PIO0_BASE = const(0x50200000)PIO1_BASE = const(0x50300000)PIO2_BASE = const(0x50400000)# register indices into the array of 32 bit registersPIO_CTRL = const(0)PIO_FSTAT = const(1)PIO_FLEVEL = const(3)PIO_INPUT_SYNC_BYPASS = const(14)SM_REG_BASE = const(0x32)  # start of the SM state tables# register offsets into the per-SM state tableSMx_CLKDIV = const(0)SMx_EXECCTRL = const(1)SMx_SHIFTCTRL = const(2)SMx_ADDR = const(3)SMx_INSTR = const(4)SMx_PINCTRL = const(5)SMx_SIZE = const(6)  # SM state table sizeSM_FIFO_RXFULL  = const(0x00000001)SM_FIFO_RXEMPTY = const(0x00000100)SM_FIFO_TXFULL  = const(0x00010000)SM_FIFO_TXEMPTY = const(0x01000000)@micropython.viperdef sm_restart(sm: int, program) -> uint:    if sm < 4:   # PIO 0        pio = ptr32(uint(PIO0_BASE))        initial_pc = uint(program[1])    elif sm < 8:  # PIO 1        pio = ptr32(uint(PIO1_BASE))        initial_pc = uint(program[2])    else:         # PIO 2        pio = ptr32(uint(PIO2_BASE))        initial_pc = uint(program[3])    sm %= 4    smx = SM_REG_BASE + sm * SMx_SIZE + SMx_INSTR    pio[PIO_CTRL] = 1 << (sm + 4)  # reset the registers    # now execute a jmp instruction to the initial PC    # Since the code for the unconditional jump is    # 0 + binary address, this is effectively the address    # to be written in the INSTR register.    pio[smx] = initial_pc  # set the actual PC to the start adress    return initial_pc@micropython.viperdef sm_input_sync_set(sm: int, gpio: int):    if sm < 4:   # PIO 0        pio = ptr32(uint(PIO0_BASE))    elif sm < 8: # PIO 1        pio = ptr32(uint(PIO1_BASE))    else:        pio = ptr32(uint(PIO2_BASE))    pio[PIO_INPUT_SYNC_BYPASS] = gpio    @micropython.viperdef sm_input_sync_get(sm: int) -> int:    if sm < 4:   # PIO 0        pio = ptr32(uint(PIO0_BASE))    elif sm < 8: # PIO 1        pio = ptr32(uint(PIO1_BASE))    else:        pio = ptr32(uint(PIO2_BASE))    return (pio[PIO_INPUT_SYNC_BYPASS])@micropython.viperdef sm_rx_fifo_level(sm: int) -> int:    if sm < 4:   # PIO 0        pio = ptr32(uint(PIO0_BASE))    elif sm < 8: # PIO 1        pio = ptr32(uint(PIO1_BASE))    else:        pio = ptr32(uint(PIO2_BASE))    sm %= 4    return (pio[PIO_FLEVEL] >> (8 * sm + 4)) & 0x0f@micropython.viperdef sm_tx_fifo_level(sm: int) -> int:    if sm < 4:   # PIO 0        pio = ptr32(uint(PIO0_BASE))    elif sm < 8: # PIO 1        pio = ptr32(uint(PIO1_BASE))    else:        pio = ptr32(uint(PIO2_BASE))    sm %= 4    return (pio[PIO_FLEVEL] >> (8 * sm)) & 0x0f@micropython.viperdef sm_fifo_status(sm: int) -> int:    if sm < 4:   # PIO 0        pio = ptr32(uint(PIO0_BASE))    elif sm < 8: # PIO 1        pio = ptr32(uint(PIO1_BASE))    else:        pio = ptr32(uint(PIO2_BASE))    sm %= 4    return (pio[PIO_FSTAT] >> sm) & 0x01010101@micropython.viperdef sm_fifo_join(sm: int, action: int):    if sm < 4:   # PIO 0        pio = ptr32(uint(PIO0_BASE))    elif sm < 8: # PIO 1        pio = ptr32(uint(PIO1_BASE))    else:        pio = ptr32(uint(PIO2_BASE))    sm %= 4    smx = SM_REG_BASE + sm * SMx_SIZE + SMx_SHIFTCTRL    if action == 0:  # disable join        pio[smx] = ((pio[smx] >> 16) & 0x3fff) << 16    elif action == 1:  # join RX        pio[smx] = (((pio[smx] >> 16) & 0x3fff) | (1 << 15)) << 16    elif action == 2:  # join TX        pio[smx] = (((pio[smx] >> 16) & 0x3fff) | (1 << 14)) << 16## PIO register byte address offsets#PIO_TXF0 = const(0x10)PIO_TXF1 = const(0x14)PIO_TXF2 = const(0x18)PIO_TXF3 = const(0x1c)PIO_RXF0 = const(0x20)PIO_RXF1 = const(0x24)PIO_RXF2 = const(0x28)PIO_RXF3 = const(0x2c)## DMA registers#DMA_BASE = const(0x50000000)# Register indices into the DMA register tableREAD_ADDR = const(0)WRITE_ADDR = const(1)TRANS_COUNT = const(2)CTRL_TRIG = const(3)CTRL_ALIAS = const(4)TRANS_COUNT_ALIAS = const(9)CHAN_ABORT = const(0x111)  # Address offset / 4BUSY = const(1 << 24)## Template for assembling the DMA control word#IRQ_QUIET = const(1)  # do not generate an interruptCHAIN_TO = const(0)  # do not chainRING_SEL = const(0)RING_SIZE = const(0)  # no wrappingHIGH_PRIORITY = const(1)EN = const(1)## Read from the State machine using DMA:# DMA channel, State machine number, buffer, buffer length#@micropython.viperdef sm_dma_get(chan:int, sm:int, dst:ptr32, nword:int) -> int:    dma=ptr32(uint(DMA_BASE) + chan * 0x40)    if sm < 4:   # PIO 0        pio = ptr32(uint(PIO0_BASE))        TREQ_SEL = sm + 4  # range 4-7    else:  # PIO1        sm %= 4        pio = ptr32(int(PIO1_BASE))        TREQ_SEL = sm + 12  # range 12 - 13    smx = SM_REG_BASE + sm * SMx_SIZE + SMx_SHIFTCTRL  # get the push threshold    DATA_SIZE = (pio[smx] >> 20) & 0x1f  # to determine the transfer size    #smx = DATA_SIZE             #not used anymore    if DATA_SIZE > 16 or DATA_SIZE == 0:        DATA_SIZE = 2  # 32 bit transfer    elif DATA_SIZE > 8:        DATA_SIZE = 1  # 16 bit transfer    else:        DATA_SIZE = 0  # 8 bit transfer        INCR_WRITE = 1  # 1 for increment while writing    INCR_READ  = 0  # 0 for no increment while reading    DMA_control_word = ((IRQ_QUIET << 21) | (TREQ_SEL << 15) | (CHAIN_TO << 11) | (RING_SEL << 10) |                        (RING_SIZE << 6) | (INCR_WRITE << 5) | (INCR_READ << 4) | (DATA_SIZE << 2) |                        (HIGH_PRIORITY << 1) | (EN << 0))    dma[READ_ADDR] = uint(pio) + PIO_RXF0 + sm * 4    dma[WRITE_ADDR] = uint(dst)    dma[TRANS_COUNT] = nword    dma[CTRL_TRIG] = DMA_control_word  # and this starts the transfer    return DMA_control_word## Write to the State machine using DMA:# DMA channel, State machine number, buffer, buffer length#@micropython.viperdef sm_dma_put(chan:int, sm:int, src:ptr32, nword:int) -> int:    dma=ptr32(uint(DMA_BASE) + chan * 0x40)    if sm < 4:   # PIO 0        pio = ptr32(uint(PIO0_BASE))        TREQ_SEL = sm  # range 0-3    else:  # PIO1        sm %= 4        pio = ptr32(uint(PIO1_BASE))        TREQ_SEL = sm + 8  # range 8-11    smx = SM_REG_BASE + sm * SMx_SIZE + SMx_SHIFTCTRL  # get the pull threshold    DATA_SIZE = (pio[smx] >> 25) & 0x1f  # to determine the transfer size    if DATA_SIZE > 16 or DATA_SIZE == 0:        DATA_SIZE = 2  # 32 bit transfer    elif DATA_SIZE > 8:        DATA_SIZE = 1  # 16 bit transfer    else:        DATA_SIZE = 0  # 8 bit transfer    INCR_WRITE = 0  # 1 for increment while writing    INCR_READ  = 1  # 0 for no increment while reading    DMA_control_word = ((IRQ_QUIET << 21) | (TREQ_SEL << 15) | (CHAIN_TO << 11) | (RING_SEL << 10) |                        (RING_SIZE << 9) | (INCR_WRITE << 5) | (INCR_READ << 4) | (DATA_SIZE << 2) |                        (HIGH_PRIORITY << 1) | (EN << 0))    dma[READ_ADDR] = uint(src)    dma[WRITE_ADDR] = uint(pio) + PIO_TXF0 + sm * 4    dma[TRANS_COUNT] = nword    dma[CTRL_TRIG] = DMA_control_word  # and this starts the transfer    return DMA_control_word## UART registers#UART0_BASE = const(0x40034000)UART1_BASE = const(0x40038000)## Read from UART using DMA:# DMA channel, UART number, buffer, buffer length#@micropython.viperdef uart_dma_read(chan:int, uart_nr:int, data:ptr32, nword:int) -> int:    dma=ptr32(uint(DMA_BASE) + chan * 0x40)    if uart_nr == 0:   # UART0        uart_dr = uint(UART0_BASE)        TREQ_SEL = 21    else:  # UART1        uart_dr = uint(UART1_BASE)        TREQ_SEL = 23    DATA_SIZE = 0  # byte transfer    INCR_WRITE = 1  # 1 for increment while writing    INCR_READ  = 0  # 0 for no increment while reading    DMA_control_word = ((IRQ_QUIET << 21) | (TREQ_SEL << 15) | (CHAIN_TO << 11) | (RING_SEL << 10) |                        (RING_SIZE << 9) | (INCR_WRITE << 5) | (INCR_READ << 4) | (DATA_SIZE << 2) |                        (HIGH_PRIORITY << 1) | (EN << 0))    dma[READ_ADDR] = uart_dr    dma[WRITE_ADDR] = uint(data)    dma[TRANS_COUNT] = nword    dma[CTRL_TRIG] = DMA_control_word  # and this starts the transfer    return DMA_control_word## Get the current transfer count#@micropython.viperdef dma_transfer_count(chan:uint) -> int:    dma=ptr32(uint(DMA_BASE) + chan * 0x40)    return dma[TRANS_COUNT]## Get the current write register value#@micropython.viperdef dma_write_addr(chan:uint) -> int:    dma=ptr32(uint(DMA_BASE) + chan * 0x40)    return dma[WRITE_ADDR]## Get the current read register value#@micropython.viperdef dma_read_addr(chan:uint) -> int:    dma=ptr32(uint(DMA_BASE) + chan * 0x40)    return dma[READ_ADDR]## Abort an transfer#@micropython.viperdef dma_abort(chan:uint):    dma=ptr32(uint(DMA_BASE))    dma[CHAN_ABORT] = 1 << chan    while dma[CHAN_ABORT]:        time.sleep_us(10)#-------------------------------------------------        #RP2350 PIO QSPI example:#=======================#GPIO pin offsets:     no speed increase                                                              bit0 = QDIR,      bit1 = QCLK,                bit0..3 = DATA (out, 4 data lanes)@rp2.asm_pio(fifo_join=rp2.PIO.JOIN_TX, out_shiftdir=0, pull_thresh=32, autopull=False, sideset_init=(rp2.PIO.OUT_HIGH, rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW), out_init=(rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW, rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW, rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW, rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW))def cmdAddr():    wrap_target()    set(y, 1)                   .side(1)  #1: we send 2x 32bit words (CMD + ADDR), QCLK=0, QDIR=1     label("CMD_ADDR_LOOP")    set(x, 7)                             #2    pull()                                #3: get CMD and ADDR words (each 32bit) to send, QDIR = high, SCLK = low    label("WORD_LOOP")    out(pins, 4)                .side(3)  #4: it shifts a 32bit on all four lanes! set accordingly the pattern    jmp(x_dec, "WORD_LOOP")     .side(1)  #5    jmp(y_dec, "CMD_ADDR_LOOP") .side(1)  #6    set(x, 5)                             #7: we send just 24bit ALT (6x 4bit)    pull()                                #8    label("ALT_LOOP")    out(pins, 4)                .side(3)  #9    jmp(x_dec, "ALT_LOOP")      .side(1)  #10    wrap()    #                      no speed increase                               True fails on Read!@rp2.asm_pio(fifo_join=rp2.PIO.JOIN_TX, out_shiftdir=0, pull_thresh=32, autopull=False, sideset_init=(rp2.PIO.OUT_HIGH, rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW), out_init=(rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW, rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW, rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW, rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW))def dataWrite():    wrap_target()    set(x, 7)                   .side(1)  #11: 8x 4bit words = 32bit (NUM here is always -1 for the loop, like a do-while() )    pull()                                #12: get 32bit data word to send    label("WORD_OUT")                     #    loop over 32bit word (8x4bit = 32): ATT: it is BIG ENDIAN here (MSB out first)    out(pins, 4)                .side(3)  #13: shift now 4 bits on 4 parallel data lanes    jmp(x_dec, "WORD_OUT")      .side(1)  #14:    wrap()    #Remark: this generates a gap between the 32bit words sent - but why?#                                                                                                         bit0: QCLK@rp2.asm_pio(in_shiftdir=0, pull_thresh=32, push_thresh=32, autopull=False, autopush=False, sideset_init=(rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW))def readClk():    wrap_target()    set(x, 7)                             #15: generate 8 clocks for reading QSPI 32bit word    wait(1, irq, 4)                       #16: it waits and clears automatically    label("clkloop")    nop()                   [1] .side(1)  #17: QCLK starts one instruction cycle after release    jmp(x_dec, "clkloop")   [1] .side(0)  #18: 50% duty cycle, needs 4x PIO clock    wrap()    #                                                             True fails!                                bit0: QDIR, bit1: QCLK@rp2.asm_pio(in_shiftdir=0, pull_thresh=32, push_thresh=32, autopull=False, autopush=True, sideset_init=(rp2.PIO.OUT_HIGH, rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW), set_init=(rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW, rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW, rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW, rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW))def dataRead():    wrap_target()    pull()                                #19: get number of words to read: ATT: NUM-1 is needed here!    mov(y, osr)             [1] .side(2)  #20: keep number of words to read, QCLK=1, QDIR=0 already - here as earliest as possible    set(pindirs, 0x0)       [1] .side(0)  #21: change direction, QCLK=0, QDIR=0    nop()                   [1] .side(2)  #22    nop()                   [0] .side(0)  #23: two turnaround clocks generated    label("ALL_READ_LOOP")    set(x, 7)                             #24: we have 8x 4bit = 32bit (4 lanes)    irq(4)                                #25: two turnaround clocks generated - release the Read clock generator = one instruction later    label("WORD_READ_LOOP")    #wait(0, gpio, 15)                    #26: we wait for QCLK going low again    wait(0, pin, 4)                       #26: GPIO11.14 = QD0..QD3, GPIO15 = SCLKin - the same as above - assume QCLK was 1 in between!    nop()                   [2]           #27: THIS IS TRICKY!: it looks like: "wait(0, gpio, 15)" is without two clock cycles synchronizer                                          #    but the input pins are delayed by two clocks synchronizer! Even changing - no difference!    in_(pins, 4)            [1]           #28: get 4 bits from 4 pallel data lanes - it samples one instruction cycle after falling edge!                                          #    one instruction cycle plus delay: QCLK still 0                                          #    make sure QCLK is 1 in between so that "wait(0, pin, 4)" waits for falling edge!!!    jmp(x_dec, "WORD_READ_LOOP")          #29: one instruction cycle QCLK - it should go 1 now    #push()                               #  : we use autopush to save nmumber of instructions    jmp(y_dec, "ALL_READ_LOOP")           #30: keep going until all words read    set(pindirs, 0xf)           .side(1)  #31: set nCS high, de-assert QDIR signal = end of transfer - takes a while to see - WHY???                                          #  : are we out of the 32 instrcutions? MAX. 32!    wrap()machine.freq(150000000)                   #change from 125MHz (RP2040) to 150MHz (RP2350)FREQ = 10000000                           #our frequency to generate (SCLK) - max. is 25MHz - 10MHz works OKSM_NO = 0                                 #PIO2 does not work (yet)!#GPIO 7, 8 for nCS, nCS2nCS  = Pin(7, Pin.OUT, value=1)nCS2 = Pin(8, Pin.OUT, value=1)#QCLK feedback inputSCLKin = Pin(15, Pin.IN)#the SM for sending the pre-fix: CMD (single-lane), ADDR (32bit, 4-lane), ALT (24bit, 4-lane)#                                                                    QDIR, QCLK          DIO0..DIO3sm0 = rp2.StateMachine(SM_NO + 0, cmdAddr, freq=2*FREQ, sideset_base=Pin(9), out_base=Pin(11))sm0.active(1)#the SM to continue to append a WRITE transaction (no Turn Around)sm1 = rp2.StateMachine(SM_NO + 1, dataWrite, freq=2*FREQ, sideset_base=Pin(9), out_base=Pin(11))sm1.active(1)#the SM for the Read QCLK generation (8 pulses per 32bit word)     the QCLK pinsm2 = rp2.StateMachine(SM_NO + 2, readClk, freq=4*FREQ, sideset_base=Pin(10))sm2.active(1)#the SM to continue to append a READ transaction (with 2bit Turn Around) - generates turnaround clocks - same clock reference!sm3 = rp2.StateMachine(SM_NO + 3, dataRead, freq=4*FREQ, sideset_base=Pin(9), in_base=Pin(11), set_base=Pin(11))sm3.active(1)#disable clock synchronizer for AD0..QD3 (GPIO11..GPIO13)sm_input_sync_set(SM_NO, 0x0000F800)oldR = 0x12345678   #just print changeswhile True:    #-- WRITE --:    #nCS.value(0)    #sm0.put(0x11111111)         #bit 28,24,20,16,12,8,4,0 - CMD - encode properly (sent as 32bit on 4 lanes!)    #sm0.put(0x01234567)         #32bit : ADDR    #sm0.put(0x65432100)         #shift <<8 : ALT (24bit), MSB first!    #while sm_tx_fifo_level(SM_NO + 0) > 0:    #    pass        #with DMA: way faster burst    CmdAddrAlt = array.array('i', [0x11111111, 0x01234567, 0x65432100])    WrData = array.array('i', [0x01010101, 0x01234567, 0x65432100, 0x87654321])    nCS.value(0)                 #direct before data transfer    sm_dma_put(0, 0, CmdAddrAlt, 3)    while sm_tx_fifo_level(SM_NO + 0) > 0:        pass        #Num2Wr = 4    #for i in range(Num2Wr):    #    sm1.put(0x12345678)                 #the byte order is "inversed"! flip before to BIG_ENDIAN    #    #why do we have such large gaps between words?    #    while sm_tx_fifo_level(SM_NO + 1) > 3:    #        pass         #with DMA: way faster burst - just a gap between 1st and 2nd DMA!    sm_dma_put(0, 1, CmdAddrAlt, 4)    while sm_tx_fifo_level(SM_NO + 0) > 0:        pass        nCS.value(1)                             #this nCS de-asserted is way faster as on Read!    #-- READ --:    #nCS.value(0)    #sm0.put(0x10101010)    #sm0.put(0x87654321)    #sm0.put(0x12345F00)    #while sm_tx_fifo_level(SM_NO + 0) > 0:    #    pass        #with DMA: way faster burst    CmdAddrAlt = array.array('i', [0x10101010, 0x87654321, 0x12345F00])    RdData = array.array('i', [0, 0, 0, 0])    nCS.value(0)    sm_dma_put(0, 0, CmdAddrAlt, 3)    while sm_tx_fifo_level(SM_NO + 0) > 0:        pass        Num2Rd = 5                                #up to 5 words are read in a single burst, later with gaps    sm3.put(Num2Rd - 1)                       #ATT: inside SM it is NUM-1 for NUM loops!                                              #this is slow and when printing - a large gap    for i in range(Num2Rd):        r = sm3.get()                         #the same issue here: the byte order is "inversed"! flip it back to LITTLE ENDIAN        if (oldR != r):                       #after 5 words we get gaps            oldR = r            print(hex(r))    nCS.value(1)                              #WHY does it take so much time to de-assert nCS????        #The Get DMA does not work!!! - loop stalls and it reads just the first word into buffer!    #sm3.put(4-1)                             #write the number of words -1    #print(sm_dma_get(0, 3, RdData, 4))       #can we see any DMA error code???    #nCS.value(1)                             #why so much time until nCS goes high? On Write much faster!    #print(RdData)

Statistics: Posted by tjaekel — Wed Oct 16, 2024 5:46 am

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