Yes it is easier to run PiHole directly on the Pi4B. My NAS is self-created, does not have any web configuration page so would be easy. I anyhow need and have a fixed local IP address for my Pi4B, that is also what PiHole needs. That is actually the key issue. Nothing is as annoying if somehow your DNS does not work, so the disadvantage is the you need more effort maybe to keep the Pi4B running reliably.My storage drive is a 4TB connected by the new powered Raspberry Pi USB 3 hub, works well and file transfer speeds are around 300Mbps average.How big are your storage devices and how fast should it be?
Never thought of a VM on a Pi before.
This will need further research on my part, thanks for the tips.
I also managed to find this topic, seems all I need to do is change OMV webserver to a different port then install PiHole, looks simple enough, nothing to lose but time... ... by/51203/2
I use Virtual Machine because upgrading to newer faster Arm SBC is less work and also easy to let it run on a spare Pi3B or so.
Statistics: Posted by redvli — Sun Nov 17, 2024 11:50 am