Because systemctl seems to be stupidI have reinstalled samba and followed your suggestion and you correct, smbd works. But as a curiosity, do you have any idea why samba doesn't or should I simply just quit worrying about it ?

Debian used to use 'samba' to start the 'smbd' and 'nmbd' binaries, but with the advent of the Samba AD DC and systemctl, it was changed and you have to start the individual binaries and 'samba-ad-dc is now used to start the AD DC binary 'samba', it seems that instead of saying 'unknown service' or something similar when 'systemctl status samba' is run, it checks the status of the 'samba' binary and returns information about that and it will not be running because Samba isn't being run as an AD DC. I would call that a bug.
Statistics: Posted by hortimech — Sat Feb 24, 2024 8:53 pm