I can't recall all the details but when I tested this it worked; if a password was specified on the Pico side you had to enter the correct password to gain access, and you have to do more on the Pico side than just use an empty password to make it an open AP and not require a password.I get the SSID on both my phone SSID list and the Windows SSID's available list and connect to the Pico W without entering the password, that has to change.
The underlying Pico network stack appears not to get reset or reinitialised when MicroPython is soft-reset so it may continue with old settings unless hard reset or power-cycled first but that seems different to what you report.
The only suggestion I have is to ensure you are using the latest Pico W MicroPython firmware.
Your exact code worked for me. "BackYardGarden secured with WPA/WPA2" and I needed to provide the exact password to gain access. Connected, got DHCP served, and your web page at appeared as expected.
I can reconnect without being prompted for a password on my phone once it knows the password and has previously established a connection. That's a feature of my phone not the Pico.
Statistics: Posted by hippy — Fri May 03, 2024 10:56 am