I believe they are wrong - Can't say "are wrong" simply because I have never personally tried using a Pi 4B or Pi 5 USB-C as a USB Device port.The problem is that my electronic engineering colleagues do not believe in the possibility of transferring data from a Raspberry 4b through the USB-C port since for them this is exclusively power.
If they are the ones preventing moving forward you perhaps need to show them thagrol's docs and related posts on the forum which show it is possible.
Otherwise knock up a simple proof of concept example which shows a Pi presenting as a USB Memory Stick that way to a PC. Even the most sceptical should be convinced it can be done when shown it being done.
It should be possible to demonstrate doing that simply with the right sequence of Linux commands, no program code at all, maybe a shell script to save repetition during demos. That was my starting point before writing code to automate what I wanted done.
Statistics: Posted by hippy — Sat Jul 13, 2024 3:06 pm