I have a Raspberry Pi 400 and recently got a SenseHAT and an Adafruit cyberdeck to connect everything together.
I'm running Raspberry Pi OS (64-bit) Debian 12
The HAT works with no issue when using the python library, but the Scratch 3 extension doesn't work at all.
I tried running it withWhenever it tries to run SenseHAT steps, it logs this error:
I can't find the source code for the extension, so it's very difficult to debug. Has anyone else encountered this issue? Any pointers on working configurations?
I'm running Raspberry Pi OS (64-bit) Debian 12
The HAT works with no issue when using the python library, but the Scratch 3 extension doesn't work at all.
I tried running it with
scratch-desktop --enable-logging
[1962:0221/124340.489812:INFO:CONSOLE(654)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: pel is not defined", source: webpack-internal:///./node_modules/scratch-vm/src/extensions/scratch3_pisensehat/index.js (654)
I can't find the source code for the extension, so it's very difficult to debug. Has anyone else encountered this issue? Any pointers on working configurations?
Statistics: Posted by akhs — Wed Feb 21, 2024 8:48 pm